Hi, I'm Jessica, The "Organic Girl Health Coach"!
I’m a Registered Nurse and Certified Holistic Health Coach (IIN) & Gut Thrive In 5 Practitioner and Certified NLP coach.
I specialize in helping moms regain their superhero powers by teaching them how to heal their guts through the use of customized diet & supplement protocols, as well as how to make key lifestyle and mindset changes.
After having gone through my own health struggles as a nurse and young mom with sick kids, I decided that what I had learned in school and was being taught on the job to treat patients was truly not helping anyone heal!
Now, I’m helping other busy, professional moms feel amazing again (perhaps for the first time ever) and become the superhero mom they are meant to be!
My Credentials & Certifications
Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse from Graceland University
Certified Holistic Health Coach through the Institute For Integrative Nutrition (CHHC)
Certificate in Herbal Studies, Herbal Medicine
Certified Gut Thrive in 5 Practitioner (GT5-P)
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
A Little Bit More About Me
I’m a mom to 3 wonderful children and have 4 grandbabies (so far) and for many years I’ve been working as a classically trained Registered Nurse in various hospitals.
As a young, single mom, I struggled with what to feed my kids and how to treat them when sick. My daughter was diagnosed with ADHD & asthma and my son was diagnosed with ADHD and “something along the spectrum”. During this time, I was also dealing with my own gut issues, hypothyroidism, and adrenal fatigue.
And as a nurse, I realized that the way I was having to treat my patients at the hospital was not what I wanted for my family.
(Needless to say, I have simply witnessed too much to continue going along with the pharmaceuticals-first approach that “medicine” preaches.)
So, I did my own research and decided to arm myself with an education based on natural, holistic approaches.
My Journey To Becoming A Certified Holistic Health Coach
In 2015, I became a Certified Holistic Health Coach through the Institute For Integrative Nutrition.
In 2018, I started using Purium products after doing a cleanse and had amazing results.
In 2019, I earned a Certificate in Herbal Studies, Herbal Medicine from the Maryland University of Integrative Health. I also switched the essential oils I was using (I started using EOs when my youngest had colic as an infant, after taking a class on how to massage his tummy and feet with oils to help reduce symptoms) to Essential Oil Wizardy. The founder, Nick, is a pharmacist, which attracted me as a nurse to look into what he was doing! I found out how unique their company is (they use frequency and crystal bowls in production ) and I haven't used any other essential oils since!
In 2020, I joined Purium as a Brand Partner. They align with my organic lifestyle and they have also switched to compostable packaging (which makes the environmentalist in me happy)!
In 2021, I was introduced to Solex and the AO scanner by a friend at a Holistic Health event in Kansas. I had heard of energy / frequency devices but had never used one! When I saw how it could scan the body and give out information similar to bloodwork, MRI's etc, it had me hooked! I realized it was a non-invasive way for my clients to have an idea of what imbalances were taking place in their bodies and then have balancing frequencies sent back to them right in the comfort of their own home!
In 2022, I became a Certified Gut Thrive in 5 Practitioner through Christa Orecchio (formerly The Whole Journey).
In February 2023, I started going through a Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Training Program.
Over the last decade, I’ve discovered that there is so much involved when it comes to true health (and I'm still learning)! We are all on a journey when it comes to our health.
We need to watch the food that we are putting into our bodies, move our bodies, use herbs and other natural remedies to assist when healing, strengthen our minds, lessen the chemical products in our homes and be aware of the pollutants outside our homes as well.
How I Got My Superhero Nickname: The "Organic Girl Health Coach"
One night, while working another crazy night shift in the ER, we were discussing what our superhero names would be…
My work husband, Matt, stated, "you'd be Organic Girl!”
(I was routinely teased by my co-workers for the food / snacks I brought to work, as they were all healthy!)
I instantly said, "Matt, I may use that someday!"
Where You Come In...
If you’ve come to my site, you’re most likely a busy, professional mom who spends the majority of your “free time” and energy taking care of your loved ones and putting everyone else’s needs before your own (for years).
You love what you do, but your body has started to say (or scream) “take care of me!” You’ve been trying everything, including the doctor’s pharmaceuticals that you really didn’t want to…
And you still don’t feel good.
Look, I get it… this was once my reality, too.
Get Your Superhero Powers Back, Mom!
It's time for you to get to the root cause(s) and regain your superhero powers, mom!
As the “Organic Girl Health Coach”, it’s my calling to help other moms who want to live as I believe we are called to…
I will work with you 1:1 on restoring your gut health in one of my programs, by using food as medicine, herbs and other holistic modalities.
I will help you once again (or maybe for the first time ever!) feel amazing and be the superhero mom you were meant to be!